Results for 'Sanna K. Tirkkonen'

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  1. The Rage of Lonely Men: Loneliness and Misogyny in the Online Movement of “Involuntary Celibates” (Incels).Ruth Rebecca Tietjen & Sanna K. Tirkkonen - 2023 - Topoi 42 (5):1229-1241.
    In this article, we investigate the relationship between loneliness and misogyny amongst the online movement of “involuntary celibates” (incels) that has become widely known through several violent attacks. While loneliness plays a prominent role in the incels’ self-descriptions, we lack a comprehensive analysis of their experience of loneliness and its role in their radicalization. Our article offers such an analysis. We analyze how loneliness is felt, described, and implicitly understood by incels, investigate the normative presumptions underlying their experiences, and critically (...)
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    No sex please, we're mitochondria: a hypothesis on the somatic unit of inheritance of mammalian mtDNA.Howard T. Jacobs, Sanna K. Lehtinen & Johannes N. Spelbrink - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (6):564-572.
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    Kokemus Michel Foucault’n filosofiassa.Sanna Tirkkonen - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):501-514.
    Lectio Praecursoria 5.10.2018: Artikkeli on väitöstilaisuudessa esitetyn englanninkielisen lectio praecursorian käännös. Väitöskirja tutkii ranskalaisfilosofi Michel Foucault’n kokemuksen käsitteitä sekä teemoja, joita hän käsittelee näiden käsitteiden avulla. Analysoimalla eri kokemuksen käsitteitä Foucault'n filosofiassa voimme paitsi ymmärtää paremmin hänen länsimaiseen nykyajatteluun olennaisesti vaikuttanutta työtään myös peilata käsityksiämme terveydestä, mielenterveysongelmista ja itseen kohdistuvista käytännöistä. Usein häneen viitataan ajattelijana, joka kyseenalaistaa kokemusnäkökulman lähtökohtana tieteelliselle tiedolle. Kokemuksen käsitteillä on kuitenkin erityisasema Foucault’n varhaisissa, psykiatriaa ja psykologiaa käsittelevissä kirjoituksissa sekä hänen myöhäisissä etiikkaa tutkivissa teksteissään, joissa hän (...)
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    Yhteinen yksinäisyys - Koetun yksinäisyyden filosofia.Sanna Tirkkonen - 2019 - Ajatus 76 (1):37-59.
    Yksinäisyyttä pidetään yleisesti vakavana yhteiskunnallisena ongelmana. Yksinäisyys kuitenkin ymmärretään monin eri tavoin, mikä herättää filosofisia kysymyksiä siitä, minkälaisena ilmiönä sitä tulisi tutkia. Artikkelissa käsittelen erilaisia yksinäisyyden muotoja erityisesti koetun yksinäisyyden näkökulmasta. Tutkin yksinäisyyttä sellaisten tunteiden filosofian nykysuuntausten avulla, jotka painottavat tunteiden ja ilmapiirien vuorovaikutuksellista muodostumista. Väitän, etteivät koetun yksinäisyyden näkökulma ja tunteiden filosofinen lähestymistapa tarkoita ilmiön yhteiskunnallisten tekijöiden sivuuttamista. Koska yksinäisyyttä ei voi erottaa yhteiskunnallisesta tilanteestaan ja tavoista, joilla ihmissuhteet kulttuurisesti järjestyvät, käsittelen artikkelissa koettua yksinäisyyttä myös poliittisen filosofian konteksteissa.
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    (1 other version)What Is Experience? Foucauldian Perspectives.Sanna Tirkkonen - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):447-461.
    Michel Foucault’s (1926–1984) thought is widely used in the humanities and social sciences for investigating experiences of madness, illness, marginalization and social conflicts. However, the meaning of the word “experience” is not always clearly defined, and the French word expérience has a whole variety of meanings. In this article I explicate Foucault’s most relevant concepts of experience and their theoretical functions. He refers to experience throughout his career, especially in his early texts on existential psychiatry from the 1950s and 1960s (...)
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    Existential injustice in phenomenological psychopathology.Daniel Vespermann & Sanna Karoliina Tirkkonen - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):209-245.
    In this article, we investigate how distressing background feelings can be subject to social injustice. We define background feelings as enduring feeling states that condition our perceptions of everyday situations, interpersonal dynamics, and the broader social milieu. While phenomenological psychopathology has long addressed such affective phenomena, including anxiety, guilt, and feelings of not belonging, the intersection with social injustice remains largely unexplored within the framework. To address this gap, we introduce the concept of existential injustice into phenomenological psychopathology. Existential injustice (...)
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    Kokemuksen feministinen filosofia. [REVIEW]Sanna Tirkkonen & Minna-Kerttu Vienola - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):423-436.
    Johanna Oksala, Feminist Experiences. Foucauldian and Phenomenological Investigations, Northwestern University Press. Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Evanston Illinois, 2016, 189 sivua.
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    Editorial: Affective Learning in Digital Education.Andreas Gegenfurtner, Susanne Narciss, Luke K. Fryer, Sanna Järvelä & Judith M. Harackiewicz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9. Who has scientific knowledge?K. Brad Wray - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (3):337 – 347.
    I examine whether or not it is apt to attribute knowledge to groups of scientists. I argue that though research teams can be aptly described as having knowledge, communities of scientists identified with research fields, and the scientific community as a whole are not capable of knowing. Scientists involved in research teams are dependent on each other, and are organized in a manner to advance a goal. Such teams also adopt views that may not be identical to the views of (...)
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  10. Church-Fitchs argument än en gång, eller: vem är rädd för vetbarhetsparadoxen?Sten Lindström - 2017 - In George Masterton, Keizo Matsubara & Kim Solin, Från Skaradjäkne till Uppsalaprofessor: festskrift till Lars-Göran Johansson i samband med hans pensionering. pp. 160-171.
    Enligt ett realistiskt synsätt kan ett påstående vara sant trots att det inte ens i princip är möjligt att veta att det är sant. En sanningsteoretisk antirealist kan inte godta denna möjlighet utan accepterar en eller annan version av Dummetts vetbarhetsprincip: (K) Om ett påstående är sant, så måste det i princip vara möjligt att veta att det är sant. Det kan dock förefalla rimligt, även för en antirealist, att gå̊ med på̊ att det kan finnas sanningar som ingen faktiskt (...)
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  11. Invisible hands and the success of science.K. Brad Wray - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (1):163-175.
    David Hull accounts for the success of science in terms of an invisible hand mechanism, arguing that it is difficult to reconcile scientists' self-interestedness or their desire for recognition with traditional philosophical explanations for the success of science. I argue that we have less reason to invoke an invisible hand mechanism to explain the success of science than Hull implies, and that many of the practices and institutions constitutive of science are intentionally designed by scientists with an eye to realizing (...)
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  12. A defense of Longino's social epistemology.K. Brad Wray - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):552.
    Though many agree that we need to account for the role that social factors play in inquiry, developing a viable social epistemology has proved to be difficult. According to Longino, it is the processes that make inquiry possible that are aptly described as "social," for they require a number of people to sustain them. These processes, she claims, not only facilitate inquiry, but also ensure that the results of inquiry are more than mere subjective opinions, and thus deserve to be (...)
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  13. Hannah Arendt’s Heideggerian Aristotelianism.K. Knight - 2008 - Topos 19 (2).
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  14. ha-Tsava ka-halakhah: hilkhot milḥamah ṿe-tsava.Yitsḥaḳ ben Yosef Ḳofman - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Ḳol mevaśer.
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  15. Essay o vědě a víře.J. B. Kozák - 1924 - V Praze,: Nákl. G. Voleského.
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  16. Toward a rational history of medical science.C. K. - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (3):493-502.
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  17. Prot︠s︡essy i pribory.K. Kudu, I︠A︡ Reĭnet, O. Saks & A. Khalʹi︠a︡ste (eds.) - 1977 - Tartu: Taruskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  18. Hermeneutik und die Interpretation der Logos-Idee.K. Kuypers - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (111/112):52-77.
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  19. Wozu Künstliche Intelligenz? (Conceptus-Studien 5).K. Leidlmair & O. Neumaier (eds.) - 1988 - VWGÖ.
  20. Nature and Spirit Ullrich Melle.K. U. Leuven - 1996 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree, Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer Verlag. pp. 24--15.
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    XIV. Xenophons Hieron und Demetrios von Phaleron.K. Lincke - 1899 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 58 (1-4):224-251.
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  22. Notes on phenomenology and revolution.Michal Lipták - 2020 - In Peter Šajda, Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology. Leiden ;: Brill | Rodopi.
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    al-Falsafah al-Ighrīqīyah: min al-safasṭāʼīyīn ilá al-Suqrāṭīyīn.Mahdī bin al-Ḥājj Mabrūk - 2021 - Tūnis: al-Dār al-Tūnisīyah lil-Kitāb.
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    Callimachu, A.P. xii. 43 ( Ep. 28 Pf., II G.-P.).K. J. McKay - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (02):143-.
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    Radiolytic purification of CaO by electron beams.K. A. Mkhoyan, J. Silcox, M. A. Mcguire & F. J. Disalvo - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2907-2917.
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    The Culex’s Metapoetic Funerary Garden.K. Sara Myers - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):749-755.
    TheCulexis now widely recognized as a piece of post-Ovidian, possibly Tiberian, pseudo-juvenilia written by an author impersonating the young Virgil, although it was attached to Virgil's name already in the first centuryc.e., being identified as Virgilian by Statius, Suetonius and Martial. Dedicated to the young Octavian (Octauiin line 1), the poem seems to fill a biographical gap in Virgil's career before his composition of theEclogues. It is introduced as aludus, which Irene Peirano suggests may openly refer to ‘the act of (...)
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    The vestige of many-body dynamics in relaxation of glass-forming substances and other interacting systems.K. L. Ngai - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):357-370.
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  28. Ideological mystification and archimedean points.K. Nielsen - 1979 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 33 (130):848-852.
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    16. Frontinus.K. Nipperdey - 1851 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 6 (1-4):378-380.
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  30. Thinking, like child's play, is serious business: an inaugural lecture, 19 May 2005.K. E. O. Nkanginieme - 2005 - Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press.
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    The Dead Philosophers' Cafʹe: An Exchange of Letters for Children and Adults.K. Nora & Vittorio Hösle - 2000
    A series of letters between a professor of philosophy and an eleven-year-old girl.
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  32. Ants Are Not Conscious.K. Russell - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1.
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    Sets, classes and extensions: A singularity approach to Russell's paradox.K. Simmons - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 100 (2):109-149.
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    The ethics of video news releases: A qualitative analysis.K. Tim Wulfemeyer & Lowell Frazier - 1992 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 7 (3):151 – 168.
    This study analyzed 16 potential ethics-related problems associated with use and abuse of video news releases (VNRs) by public relations practitioners and electronic journalists. Causes and possible solutions to the problems were suggested and model ethics code guidelines were developed. Moral rules, moral ideals, theories of ethics, public relations theories, and electronic journalism theories were used to provide a general foundation for the analysis. A more specific foundation was provided by guidelines from a variety of media codes of ethics.
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    What can medical ethics learn from history?K. Boyd - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (4):197-198.
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  36. Heidegger and Jaspers on Plato's Idea of the Good.K. Brinkmann - 1994 - In Alan M. Olson, Heidegger & Jaspers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 111--125.
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    (1 other version)Symbols.K. W. Britton - 1976 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 10:208-222.
    I wish to discuss symbols concerned with the way we feel about the world and the way we conduct our lives in consequence of those feelings. Our conduct is guided by commands and instructions which for some reason we have to obey. We are guided by our knowledge of the world. The symbols I wish to discuss express and excite desires and preferences and that is how they affect our conduct.
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  38. Problemy rodziny w nauczaniu i wychowaniu szkolnym.K. Czuba - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 1.
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  39. Indian thought.K. Damodaran - 1967 - New York,: Asia Pub. House.
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    Non-Heisenberg states of the harmonic oscillator.K. Dechoum & Humberto de Menezes França - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (11):1599-1620.
    The effects of the vacuum electromagnetic fluctuations and the radiation reaction fields on the time development of a simple microscopic system are identified using a new mathematical method. This is done by studying a charged mechanical oscillator (frequency Ω 0)within the realm of stochastic electrodynamics, where the vacuum plays the role of an energy reservoir. According to our approach, which may be regarded as a simple mathematical exercise, we show how the oscillator Liouville equation is transformed into a Schrödinger-like stochastic (...)
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  41. A Proposal for Warning People about the Risks Associated with Taking the Graduate Record Examination.K. Oldfield - 1997 - Journal of Thought 32:37-42.
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  42. Fundamental characteristics of socialist national relations.K. Pomaizl - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (5):611-625.
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    Cognitive psychology.K. Prazdny - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 14 (1):110-112.
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    A Clustering Technique Using Dynamic Filtering Concepts and its Application to Computer Workload Modeling.K. I. Shihab & H. A. Ramadhan - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (4):321-344.
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    Modality, quo vadis?K. Sathian - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):413-414.
    Grush's emulation theory comprises both modality-specific and amodal emulators. I suggest that the amodal variety be replaced by multisensory emulators. The key distinction is that multisensory processing retains the characteristics of individual sensory modalities, in contrast to amodal processing. The latter term is better reserved for conceptual and linguistic systems, rather than perception or emulation.
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  46. Die Ikonographie der Venezianischen Pesach-Haggada 1609/1629 L'iconographie de la Haggada de Venise.K. Schubert - 1988 - Kairos (misc) 30:143-161.
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  47. Discussions: Testability and ‘ ad-hocness ’ of the contraction hypothesis.K. R. Popper - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (37):50-a-50.
  48. Symbolically Generalized Communication Media: A Category Mistake?K. Distin - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (1):93-95.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Radical Constructivism and Radical Constructedness: Luhmann’s Sociology of Semantics, Organizations, and Self-Organization” by Loet Leydesdorff. > Upshot: Leydesdorff emphasises the uncertainties involved in the communication of meaning. Luhmann posited three types of media, each of which reduces one type of communicative improbability. The theory of cultural evolution supports Leydesdorff’s emphasis on the uncertainty of communication, and agrees that different media are needed for communication within and across social boundaries. But it highlights the distinction between (...)
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  49. Von Aaasvögel bis Zynismus: Nietzsche auf CD-ROM und Nietzsche digital.K. Dite - 1996 - Nietzsche Studien 25:363-379.
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  50. Purkinje shift and retinal noise.K. Donner, P. Ala-Laurila & A. Koskelainen - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 44-44.
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